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LTM Extended Family: Casey Dunn

Casey Dunn is a photographer living in Austin, Texas.
A native Texan, he spent his childhood playing baseball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, kickball, prison ball and sometimes, Zelda or Contra if it was raining.
He tried on many occasions to replace one of those sports with something “cooler,” like surfing or skateboarding, but the gods of balance never obliged.
After earning his bachelor’s degree at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, and a stint as a photo assistant in NYC, he returned to Austin and is carrying out his dream as a photographer.
Since then, he has built relationships with leading designers and creatives in the region,recently spending his spare time traveling as he works on his book project, Marfa Modern.
If the work-life balance allows, he can be found participating in a number of non-extreme sports, like running, swimming, hiking, and swimming hole hunting. Below, we asked Casey a few questions to learn more about the man behind the lens.
What do you love getting your hands on?
Sandwiches, tacos, cameras, baked goods, motorcycles, smoothies, lottery tickets, old furniture, basketballs, footballs, tennis racquets, veggie burgers, world music.
Where was the last place you laughed uncontrollably?
Probably in my apartment with my fiance, Sarah. She cracks me up.
What do you do/where do you go to feel at peace?
I know it’s not the most manly thing, but I have been known to read in the tub.
What makes a place special to you?
I am a sucker for a place with water. Special makes me think of a place that I’ve been to with Sarah – that’s by the ocean, or a river, etc.
Describe your perfect day off in three words
Swimming, snacks, naps.
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