- Team
Yearly Reflection With An LTM Twist

As we approach one year of running as a fully remote company, we reflect on some of the interactions that have kept human connection and the lookthinkmake culture alive during this unusual time.
Morning coffee Slack channels and virtual trivia games during our lunch hours are just a couple of the ways we’ve bonded as a team while being physically apart.
One of our favorite activities as a company is the continuation of a longtime LTM tradition that we like to call Pecha Kucha.
We tell stories. To each other.
Japanese for “chit-chat,” Pecha Kucha is one of the fastest-growing forms of storytelling in the world.
Inspired by this form of storytelling, every year, right before the holidays, LTMers gather to give presentations to share the highlights of our year.
Showing 20 slides accompanied by 20 seconds of narration for each slide, a Pecha Kucha storyteller uses visuals to tell a story, convey a concept, share passions, and more. The possibilities are endless.
Virtual connections are real.
So, one day out of the year, we pause and reflect. LTMers gather to celebrate the past 12 months immortalized in presentations of 12 slides in under 10 minutes, given by each team member.
We laugh and we cry, we make jokes and relive the amazing milestones we’ve celebrated over the last year. Furthermore, we reflect on the things we learned and the fun we’ve had.
This past December was special because we proved to ourselves that the tradition can live on and still be extremely entertaining, even virtually.
We look forward to the memories we’ll create in 2021 and the presentations that will follow!
What kinds of activities does your team or organization participate in to foster culture? We’d love to know in the comments.
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